The Barcelona-based startup Getupcode recently closed a round of €200,000 through the Lanzadera acceleration program located in Valencia.
Getupcode was founded in 2013, and is a private marketplace to find and hire new programmers for your company or your project. The business model is performance-based, only charging 15% of the base salary after the successful hire of a new candidate.
Through a special certification done by the company, Getupcode assure all companies looking for programmers on their platform will find quality people.

Getupcode is looking for more developers after getting €200.000 in funding.
Last year, the startup received the well-known state backed ENISA (Empresa Nacional de Innovación, S.A.) loan of €50.000.
Aiming for a second investment round in 2016
Since September of 2015, the company has registered 50 companies and 400 jobs. For the moment, the startup has 9 employees in Barcelona and Valencia.
According to La Vanguardia, the company is aiming on second investment round in 2016, and hopes to raise €500.000.
“The thing that sets us apart from headhunting companies or other recruitment companies, is that our programmers must pass several tests to be certified for recruitment”, says Getupcodes founder Joan Miquel Espada Sàbat to the paper.
In 2016, Getupcode expects to see revenues of about €150.000, and add 50 new programmers.
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