Our brain is undergoing a massive transformation as a result of internet penetration. We outsource our memory to devices, and are less and less able to concentrate on something for a long time (when was the last time you could read a book without being distracted?). The real cost of allowing your gadgets to dictate your agenda and behaviour is your depleted ability to take decisions, stay focused, think clearly and creatively, sleep well, and ultimately, manage your own free time and choices. In this talk, you will learn how to take back control of your time and attention without getting rid of your tech.
In this entertaining and insightful talk TEDx speaker, Huffington Post blogger, and author of Homo Distractus Dr Anastasia Dedyukhina explores, how internet is changing our brain. Quoting the latest neuroscience research, she explains why our devices are so irresistible, how digital distractions are preventing us from good decision making and innovative thinking and will give practical tips on how to coach your brain to stay focused in the age of digital distractions.