HallStreet was founded in Barcelona back in 2011
It’s time out for HallStreet.
The deal is an acquisition -for-hire, according to Reuters.
Founder and CEO of HallStreet Alfredo Ouro Villaraviz has been appointed Time Out’s senior vice president of product. Also the former CTO Antonio Rodríguez de la Torre will join Time Out as senior vice president of product and director of technology for travel.
The size of the acquisition is so far undisclosed.
Started out as hotel room resellers
Until the recent acquisition HallStreet worked as map-based booking for hotels, events and restaurants.
The service will now let you base your trip around an event, and you can also share your trips with people through social media channels.
However, they started out as a B2C startup selling hotel rooms such as Booking or Hotels.com, back in 2011.
The rest of the companies employees will still work from Barcelona, but now as Time Out employees.
Connecting the dots
More new features include the possibility to make money from a revenue sharing model which pays when another user books something via the map.

Time Out Group bought Barcelona startup HallStreet for both the technology and the people. They’ll keep all employees on board and both the CEO and the CTO of HallStreet moves to executive positions in Time Out.
CEO and founder Villaraviz thinks the acquisition will make the service better, and connects the dots from its original model.
Julio Bruno, Executive Chairman at Time Out Group, commented the following to Business Wire after the deal was public:
“We’ve been looking at technology startups that further enable our vision for the future of travel and leisure distribution. The HallStreet platform has reinvented the way people plan leisure activities, using dynamic maps in a simple, end-to-end and stress-free experience”
HallStreet was actually one of the first Barcelona startups Barcinno wrote about, here in our second ever article back in 2012, when they were looking for seed money.
In total HallStreet had raised an amount of €1.2 million since their launch back in 2011.
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