Geenapp, the Barcelona startup that let’s you earn money for trying new apps, and promoting them through your blog, social media or website, has launched a CPI-calculator.
The new feature is supposed to give advertisers a way to monetize the app economy and through Geenapps real-time calculator be able to know much one would need to pay to get a new user on their app.
According to Geenapp the highest CPI-rates is found in Japan, Germany, Australia, The US and UK.
Analyzed over 1.000 apps

Barcelona Startup Geenapp launches CPI calculator
To be able to offer this service Geenapp has analyzed over 1.000 different apps and from these, over 300.000 campaigns last month.
Their service will update every month and give app-owners and advertisers insights in the latest trends in the app economy around the world.
The top performing apps per category, price and country are compiled and studied to produce the report.
With the average value per user they can calculate how much they can pay for each user acquisition
“An App can generate revenues using different methods, but you need users to do it. The billion-dollar App market is a global phenomenon and the new battlefield is in App discovery. For developers to succeed they need to have a clear global strategy and understand the value of their users in each market”, says Gina Tost, CEO of Geenapp.
Geenapps goal
Geenapp analyzes over 10,000 active offers on an average of $36 million USD from around the world daily.
The company cleans and extracts data from their database of global person-to-person recommendation and B2B tools to provide the best offers to publishers.
Geenapp’s own goal with this service is to get their apps in front of the right users in specific areas of the world.
“With all the data that we retrieve daily, we have created a new tool to help developers and agencies promote their Apps” , CEO Tost explains.
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